On Wednesday, 21st February, 2024 a meeting of the General Assembly was organised at the Assembly Hall of the District Assembly.
The meeting was called to order by the secretary, followed by an opening prayer. An announcement was then made by the secretary again, followed by a roll call for all members present.
Election was done for the second time to elect a Presiding Member by the Electoral Commission, and at the end of the election Hon. Aiden emerged as the winner and was sworn in by her Worship Adelaine Owusuaa Antwi.
The newly elected Presiding Member (PM) in his address after being sworn in, thanked everybody and welcomed all the newly elected and old Assembly Members. The PM admonished the members to be time conscious when it comes to meeting.
All the newly Assembly members accepted the Model of Standing to be used as a working tool for the Assembly and their various communities as a whole.
The various sub-committees and executives were created and chairperson for the various committees were elected.
Hon. Amparbeng was selected as the chief whip for the assembly.
The meeting was closed with a prayer by Hon. Francis Gyan and the meeting was adjourned.